Do you know what the flower for May is?
It is the Lily of the Valley. Aren’t they adorable? Imagine seeing fields of these beautiful blooms parked under large trees. I know all about this tiny white flower because May is also the month in which my mother was born, and she always makes sure we know about her favorite flower. Besides, it grew everywhere in Germany as you entered the forest for a walk, and boy did she make us walk. It was a tradition.
May is also Mother’s Day. Another beautiful occasion for flowers.
May is also the starting season for weddings, bridal showers, and baptisms’. You know what that means right? This means that Kinder Kouture is incredibly busy making dresses. So just in case you were wondering where we have been hiding…not on Instagram, not on FB……just look below….this basically sums it up. Just like Easter, we have a ton of deadlines and very important dates that we will have to monitor.
But no matter how busy we are, we are always (almost always) available to chat. So if you have any questions, please feel free to hit the chat button on our webpage. We will gladly take a break for you and any questions you should have. Take care,